Kenneth and Gloria copeland devotional

Kenneth Copeland Devotional 28 December 2024 – Major on Mercy

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TOPIC: Major on Mercy

…I beseech thee, show me thy glory. – Exodus 33:18

What would you say is the single, most outstanding thing about God? What’s His most important characteristic? Some people would say it’s His power. Others, His holiness. But God Himself would give a different answer.

You can find that answer in Exodus 33. There Moses is asking God to show him His glory.

Now the word glory could literally be translated “heavy weight.” It refers to the heaviest, biggest, grandest thing about someone. It’s the sum total of their worth.

So what Moses was actually saying was, “Lord, I want to see the weightiest thing about You. I want to know Your grandest attributes.” What did God say to him in response?

Chapter 34:6-7 tells us, “The Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord, The Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.”

Just think about that! When Moses asked God to show him the most important thing about Himself, God showed him His mercy.

That means if you and I are to imitate God (Ephesians 5:1) we must major in mercy too. Mercy, goodness, forgiveness and compassion must mark our behavior above all else.

Major on mercy and others will see the glory of God in you.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 33:7-23, 34:5-10

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.

Ambydennis Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. You must be born again to enjoy continuous victory. Please say the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus’ name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to +1-817-852-6000