Joel Osteen Daily Inspiration for Today 8Th October.
Goliath was twice David’s size. He was an experienced soldier; he was wearing a full set of armor. David had none of that. He was a shepherd. When he told King Saul that he wanted to face Goliath, Saul said, “Are you kidding? You’re just a boy.” When Goliath saw David, how small he was, he laughed. He said, “Am I a dog that you would come at me with a stick?” All the odds were against David. Logically speaking, he didn’t have a chance. But God will put you in situations where you’re up against a giant. It looks impossible: the sickness is too bad, the problem is too great, the dream is too big.
It’s easy to let fear, intimidation, and doubt talk us out of it. This is where you have to remind yourself that you were created to perform awe-inspiring deeds.
Click here to watch, “Your Time to Shine”!
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