Andrew Wommack Devotional 23 November 2023 – Seek Greater Revelation


Andrew Wommack Devotional 23 November 2023 – Seek Greater Revelation

Andrew Wommack Devotional 23 November 2023 – Seek Greater Revelation

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Topic: Seek Greater Revelation

John 18:20' Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.'

John 18:20

The truths of God are hidden for His children, not from them. The Holy Spirit has been instructed to teach us all things (Jn. 14:26) and has given us an unction to know all things (1 Jn. 2:20). We only have to appropriate what is ours.

What God desires His New Testament saints to know, that the Old Testament saints could not know, is 'Christ in you the hope of glory.' The coming of the Messiah was predicted in the Old Testament, but the idea that He would actually dwell in us was beyond anyone's imagination. However, the New Testament is clear that Christ, by the Holy Spirit, takes up permanent residence in all believers. This is a beautiful truth that some fail to fully appreciate. Solomon said at the temple's dedication, 'But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house I have built?' We could say, 'How much less this physical body?' This is truly amazing!

The Lord's commitment to dwell in us and never leave or forsake us (Heb. 13:5) must indicate His great love for us. How could we ever be lonely or discouraged if we continually thought upon this, with all its implications? We couldn't! Depression and self-pity would cease!

Why would it matter what others thought of us if we truly understood how much Jesus felt about us?

Our attitudes and fears reveal that this revelation of 'Christ in us' is not well-established in most Christians. However, this verse clarifies that our Father wants to make 'the riches of the glory of this mystery' known unto us. We should all be seeking a greater revelation of this truth.

This message was written by The Association of Related Ministries International (ARMI) and is an extension of Andrew Wommack Ministries (AWM). ARMI is a unique partnership committed to providing resources to help like-minded ministers succeed in a spirit of excellence and to draw from the experience and expertise of both the AWM and Charis Bible College staff. (

Ambydennis Notice Board: We trust you have been blessed by the devotional. Accepting Jesus as your Lord and personal savior is one of the best decisions one can take, especially you; imagine having Christ in your life; what a fantastic experience it will be. It starts here as you proclaim: Dear Father, I humbly come to you in sincere repentance, claiming you as my Lord and personal Saviour. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness, be the center of my life, and let my life revolve around you as I partake in the eternal life you gave us in Jesus' Name. Congratulations, you are now Born again. God bless you.

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