SOD daily devotional by Pastor Paul Eneche

The Topic of Seeds of Destiny for 16th July 2020 Is “PURSUING GOD WHOLE-HEARTEDLY.”

You are not a dedicated child of God if you cannot sacrifice even what you love for the sake of your relationship with God.

SCRIPTURE: 1 Kings 18:21

And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: You are not a dedicated child of God if you cannot choose God above anything or anyone else.

Yesterday, we saw that one way to be dedicated to God is pursuing Him wholeheartedly. Dedication to God implies pursuing God with a united heart and not a divided heart. It is having only one purpose and focus in following God.

However, there are many people whose hearts are divided in their attempt to pursue God. There are people whose hearts are divided in what they want out of life.

Let me give you some examples: I heard that in some places, if there is a football match, for example, the Super Eagles of Nigeria playing a match against the national football team of Argentina or a club like Arsenal playing against Chelsea and the time of the match clashes with church service time, some people would go to watch the match instead of going to church.

I also heard that in some places, television would even be brought to the church so that the people can watch the match if the match time is clashing with church service time. This is an error! This is a manifestation of a divided heart.

For other people, it is a particular movie they cannot sacrifice for church service. They must have watched up to twelve parts or episodes of the movie and the time to watch the thirteenth episode is clashing with church service time; they would sacrifice church service for the movie. That is not correct! It is an indication of a divided heart.

Beloved, do not do yourself such injustice. You are not a dedicated child of God if you cannot choose God above anything or anyone else. You are not a dedicated child of God if you cannot sacrifice even what you love for the sake of your relationship with God.

If you have done anything before this time at the expense of your relationship with God, repent today. Make up your mind not to do that again, and choose God above everything and everyone else in life.

Remember this: You are not a dedicated child of God if you cannot choose God above anything or anyone else.


1. Assess your life to see if there is anything you cannot sacrifice for God.

2. Ask God to give you the grace to place Him above anything or anyone in life.

3. Make up your mind not to divide your heart between God and any other thing in life.

PRAYER: O Lord, I confess today and repent from any habit of placing anything or anyone above You. Give me the grace to love You above all things, Lord in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: whenever the enemy wants to scatter a man’s destiny, he first divides his focus. Whenever the devil wants to destroy a person’s life, he gives him many things to pursue at the same time. Culled from “21 FOOLISH THINGS PEOPLE DO” by Dr Paul Enenche.


AMAZING FACT: A research conducted to show the benefits of being a Christian showed this result: believers recover from breast cancer faster than non-believers, attending church or praying boosts the immune system, believers are less stressed, less likely to commit suicide, report higher levels of self-esteem, and report being happier in general.

PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION: Receive the grace and discipline for a completely dedicated life in Jesus’ Name.

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Seeds of Destiny Devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Center. The Dunamis Gospel Centre SOD daily devotional is designed to load you daily with God’s word and keep you inspired, encouraged and uplifted

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